Thursday, October 13, 2011

MId term exam

Dersign in the internet have been developing. We lost one of the greatest person who was an amazing creator and designer, Steave Jobs.  He was the one who not only created and sald personal computer but also connected to computer and design, art. His creativity was unlimited and developed our internet and lives.

As you know, iPhone has been adapted to our lives. iPhone is completelly different from mobile phone. It could be defined as between phone and computer. After the development of the personal computer, people are getting their own mobile phones.

Blog about iPhone design

History of Steave Jobs

Influences of Apple design

iPad and iBook G3
iPad and iBook G3

1 comment:

  1. Steve Jobs did make a tremendous contribution to the world of computing.

    I wonder if there is some way to use any of the ds106 assignment ideas to create a tribute to him. What do you think?
