Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Weekly Blog #3

We Are All Artists   

This is what Timmmmyboy said in his presentation.



If I describe about ART, I would like to put my formula for art... 

We actually are doing something like an artist, but most things have not been mentioned.
However, once, we paid more attention and respected them, we could find new arts.

What we are saying could be a part of arts.
What we are seeing could be a part of arts.
What we are making could be a part of arts.
What we are doing could be a part of arts.
What we are doing nothing could be a part of arts.

Our birth and death could be a part of arts...

For example, 

Environment  ex) country, community, nature, family, weather
Kindergarten Picnic
By LonlyBob from flickr

Event . ex) culture, religions, habit..... in this case, picnic
Kindergarten Picnic
By LonlyBob from flickr

Action    ex) part of event but something that are influenced by the event.
Cooking Class
By LABabble from flickr

Focus and Respect ex) if he noticed the action and respected it
Kindergarten Picnic
By lonlybob from flickr

ART  ex)  then, the lunch box could be an art even if riceballs were not smiling;)
By Koizumi

so,,, every single thing could be an art...!?

Ds#106...As Timmmmyboy said, it is one of the best places to share our works. I think ds#106 is a huge campus or a gallery which all artists are connected with each other. There is no limit to be an artist, and everyone get idea from ds#106's assignment and create anything based on the descriptions of assignments!!

Feel something!!
Inspire something/someone each other!!
Respect everything!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

#5 ds106 Consumer Mushup

My final ds106 assignment is Mushup!!!

ds106 Mashup Assignment120
Think of anyplace you spend money, and what you most often buy at that place.
Then redesign their logo to incorporate your favorite product. Do as many as you want.

I desided to try this assignment after seeing Mai's work;)
As she said, I also spend my money at seven eleven because I buy food alsmost everyday. Although I do not go H.I.S. many times, I think H.I.S. is the place where I spend most money to travel!!!!

Highest International Standards, H.I.S., is travel an agent and inurance company. it is well-known as the company providing airline tickets in reasonable price. When I go abroad, I always buy an air ticket in H.I.S., and I had great time in Bali, Arizona and Bangkok with nice guides. I'd like to participate in H.I.S.'s tour again in near future:)

 More Details about H.I.S.

This is an original logo of H.I.S....

by HIS

I'd like to try to redesign the logo!!

(1) find a new background


by http://www.flickr.com/photos/randomcliche/

(2) edit this picture by using two iPhone's apprications.

By  RANSOM LETTERS mbsky      &     IMAGE SQUARE  casio

Here are my new designes!!

iPhone's apprications are very useful and reasonable!!
I cannot use photoshop, but it is seemed that it is better for me to use iPhone apprications instead of photoshop ;p I hope consumers would like them ;)

Monday, November 21, 2011

#4 ds106 Haiku It Up !!

As many as stars
looked up the winter sky
got pain on my neck


Here is the description ds106 Writing Assignment 104 !!

Haiku is one of poem based on the traditional Japanese style.
  • express in three phrases which consist of 5-7-5 sounds.
  • include at least one season word
  • include kireji--cutting word-- makes a space between phrases or works like a comma/period
  • respect the lingering imagery

For example...

This is the best-known Japanese haiku written by Basho Matsuo

古池や                   蛙飛込む                             水の音
  fu-ru-i-ke ya (5)     ka-wa-zu to-bi-ko-mu (7)     mi-zu no o-to (5)
         old pond . .         a frog leaps in                        water’s sound
Can you imagine the atmosphere?

by wikipedia


In my Haiku, I directly put 'winter' as the season word. It was my first time to write Haiku in English, and I do not know how to separate/count words in each phrase. so I simplly sompose what happened to me last night....I took this picture last night because it was the best condition to watch stars. There were so many beautiful stars in the night.  As you noticed that those small lights in the picture are not real stars. I wish I could take and show you them, so I just took signale and outdoor lamp lights instead. Please pretend stars★〃When I was riding my bicycle from my station for 30 minutes, I looked up sky soooo many times to find Orion and other constellations. After I got at home, I finally got pain on my neck.... ;^(

I hope you could imagine my situation based on Haiku =)!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

#3 ds106 Color Something

Here is description for Visual Assignments183 !!

It is only required to color something!!
This is a good assignment for beginners like me;)
 I found this assignment because I saw my classmate posted it.
and she did really good job! Thank you for sharing =)

The top of picture is the original photo which I took in the last summer
Each color looks almost same but I hope you can feel something different ways
Darker photo makes me miss the last summer vacation!!

#2 ds106 Pokemon Card

It's time to restart to do ds106 assignments!!


Description for DesignAsignments39 is ...
"Create A Pokemon card for yourself, whart are they?"

I don't know how to use the photoshop by using a computer,
 so I made this pokemon card by using some iPhone apprecations.

(1) chose a photo

(2) edit the photo by IMAGING SQUARE

(3) download the wall picture

(4) cut the first photo and paste on the second photo by Photos Wall

(5) type and paste